Token Sniffer Widgets
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Score ScoreBadge
Token Sniffer
Smell Test Results
Vertical Layout
Score: 70/100
Token Sniffer
Swap Analysis
Token is sellable
Buy fee is less than 5%
Sell fee is less than 5%
Contract Analysis
Verified contract source
Ownership renounced or source does not contain an owner contract
Creator not authorized for special permission
Holder Analysis
Creator wallet contains less than 5% of token supply
All other wallets contain less than 5% of token supply
Liquidity Analysis
Adequate current liquidity
Adequate initial liquidity
At least 95% of liquidity locked/burned
Horizontal Layout with Light Mode
Score: 70/100
Token Sniffer
Swap Analysis
Token is sellable
Buy fee is less than 5%
Sell fee is less than 5%
Contract Analysis
Verified contract source
Ownership renounced or source does not contain an owner contract
Creator not authorized for special permission
Holder Analysis
Creator wallet contains less than 5% of token supply
All other wallets contain less than 5% of token supply
Liquidity Analysis
Adequate current liquidity
Adequate initial liquidity
At least 95% of liquidity locked/burned